
Had to do a panorama so elements are a bit off. Very little adjustments otherwise. It was quite amazing. 

Two Gas Pumps

Love the candid images of the past in downtown Seattle that sits quietly as the city transforms. 


Edmonds dock

Went sailing on an epic summer day in August with the good people at Thomas Street.

Louisiana - Yayoi Kusama

Went to Louisiana - Museum of Modern Art north of Copenhagen to catch the Kusama show. Some great immersive colorful installations base on Kusama's themes of fantasies and infinity. 

Denmark & Germany

Visited Denmark for Christmas and then went to Hamburg for a couple of days. Got a chance to play with night photography in both Copenhagen and Hamburg. I enjoy capturing the raw environment which at times feel absent of any people.  


Took a trip to the San Juan Islands in August and the scenery was astonishing.  

Playful lettering

Yellow typography interacts with the environment outside Mohai in Seattle. 



Attended CreativeMornings this Friday for a talk with Kyle Kesterson. It was outside at the Olympic Sculpture park. I saw this circular building in the background that I haven't noticed before with a cloud hovering right in the middle above. 



I came across a promotion in April about an instagram project called the #the100dayproject. The idea was “what could you do with 100 days of making?”. I chose to create 100 daily posts that explores geometry, shapes and patterns. It’s been very inspiring and taken my mind off my daily routine. Below are some of my explorations, still haven’t reached the magical 100 mark. https://instagram.com/mbustrup/